Browse Month

August 2023

Water and more Water

We leave Slovenia and arrived at camp Viktoria in the city of Krimml not far from the Great Krimml Waterfalls and that is exactly our destination. Packing all we need (more…)

A little beach

It is now the 4th day at camp Tunarica and our supplies are running low as well as our data roaming. Todays first task was therefor to go shopping as (more…)

Fully pumped

Alright so day 2 started early … for some… others way later… but who cares we are on vacation and today we don’t have to go anywhere else than to (more…)

Arrived at Camp Tunarica

So after a long but very uneventful drive we made to our campsite here in Croatia. We left Sulzbach Saturday at around 9:30 as scheduled. After a bit of reorganising (more…)